Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Blog 2 Directory Information
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Blog 2 - Draft
Family systems theory is a theory of human behaviour that views the family as an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions within this unit (Carr, 2006). Originally termed family homeostasis by Jackson (Bump, 1991), the concept was furthered by Murray Bowen and later by Michael Kerr (Gladding, 2005). Both theorists suggested the connectedness and reactivity found among family members makes the functioning of family members interdependent (Corey, 2001) and founded the theory upon these principles. Family Systems theory, or Bowen Theory as it is also known, is grounded on three main assumptions. One, that the clients problematic behaviour may serve a function or purpose for the family; two, that the clients problematic behaviour is may be a function of the families inability to operate productively; and thirdly, the maladaptive behaviour may be a symptom of dysfunctional patterns handed down from generations (Corey, 2001). Encompassing these three assumptions as a basis, Family Systems Theory aims to explain an individual’s maladaptive behaviour through the terms of their family interactions. A change in one person’s functioning can be predictably followed by reciprocal changes in the functioning of others in the family system (Rothbaum, Rosen, Ujiie & Uchida, 2002). However when family members get anxious, the anxiety can escalate and spread to numerous members of the family network (Carr, 2006). These patterns of maladaptive behaviour can be learnt through items such as observation and modelling, which through these patterns can be passed down from generation to generation. Family Systems Theory is based on the belief that individuals who do not examine and rectify patterns of negative behaviour passed down from previous generations, are likely to repeat these behaviours in their own families (Gladding, 2005). This therefore requires an intervention which Family Systems Theory is able to provide. Family systems theory emphasises a number of basic concepts through which family dynamics can be best understood and treated. These include differentiation, the family as an emotional system, family projection process, sibling position, societal regression, and triangular systems. As a central principle of family systems therapy is that that the client is connected to living systems and that change in one part of the unit echoes change through the other parts, the approach to treatment usually incorporates all members of the family (Corey, 2001). The ultimate goal if Family Systems Therapy is to eliminate triangular relationships which may involve the individual, and two other members of their family, and focus on singular relationships. Ultimately dual relationships should be reduced and relationships should be focused on individualisation, autonomy, and intimacy (Gladding, 2005). Family systems theory is rapidly becoming one of the most popular and effective methods of problem solving (Prest & Protinsky, 1993). Unlike conventional psychological theory which focuses on the individual, Family systems theory encourages people to think of issues in terms of a multigenerational family or system, and essentially encourages people to move away from blaming others and towards individual responsibility (Gladding). The aforementioned synopsis of Family Systems Theory provides reasoning for the logic and effectiveness of the theory to provide an overview of family connections.
While based on the initial work of Bowen, numerous researchers have had an influence on the development as well as furthered and incorporated many new concepts in to family systems therapy (Corey 2001), (see figure 1). Furthermore most of the researchers have furthered the theory by incorporating new concepts and branching these off with the hope of providing further depth and knowledge to the theory.
Researchers have found Family System Theory to be effective in a number of ways, and have found three key advantages to incorporating family orientated principles into the therapeutic setting. Firstly, through incorporating the use of family systems theory into therapy, it may broaden the therapist’s perception of the problem (Larson, 1984). This can provide the practitioner with a holistic view of the problem and how best it can be treated. Another strength of family systems theory is that it takes into account the congregation as a whole, as a living organism that is continually affected by every part that comprises the whole. (Prest et al, 1993). This provides a global view of the individual and their social constructs, and may offer a more detailed therapy session in light of this (Carr, 2006).
However academics have also outlined a number of disadvantages to incorporating family systems theory in to therapeutic settings. For a number of reasons it is not always possible to integrate the family into the treatment process (Gladding, 2005). However this theory can still be applied to situations such as this, as they are able to conceptualise the problem in family systems terms and help the individual change the system by changing his or her role in the system (Larson, 1995). Knudson-Martin (2002) suggested that the Family systems model ignores many of the positive aspects of togetherness and is not able to be used with individuals from collectivist cultures. Despite these disadvantages, family systems theory is still largely supported and found in practices at present. It is commonly found in a number of areas of psychotherapy including eating disorders, suicide and depression (Barlow & Durand, 2006). Comparing a number of therapeutical treatments Shapiro, Welker and Jacobson (1997) found that therapy encompassing family systems theory principles was positively correlated with effective treatment. Furthermore the study found that interventions focusing on the family systems model were associated with a higher treatment response than individuals who undertook other forms of treatment. Therefore family systems theory can be an important element to many areas of clinical practice. Generally the family is considered a social environment in social psychology, In Family Systems Theory the family is referred to as a unit in which the family interacts, is engaged in, and has been shown to influence individual members of the system (Gladding, 2005). There are a number of social psychological concepts which can also be applied to Family Systems Theory. Possibly considered to be the most important in Family Systems terms is the overall social network of the family. The social network of the family is an important feature of a loving, accepting, and facilitating relationship (Rosenblatt, 1994). Therefore the availability of family may be linked to social psychology. This is not only limited to the physical presence of family members, but also emotional availably. In one study, infants were observed whilst engaging in free play (Volling, McElwain, Notaro & Herrera, 2002). The study found that infants who had emotionally available parents were more likely to engage in effortful play than infants whose parents were less emotionally available. In family systems terms this emotional unavailability may be rooted in an unconscious level of family life as well as potentially cause generational behaviour pattens which may disrupt healthy functioning (Carr, 2006). When this is disrupted, negative emotions and personalities can be triggered and, ultimately passed down through numerous generations if intervention is not sought. Suggesting that people come to like things because they see or encounter them repeatedly, propinquity or the mere exposure effect can also be applied to families (Baumeister & Bushman, 2008). As people generally tend to like things that are familiar, the interactions and behaviour seen within the family may be the conduct and interaction that is best liked by an individual. Though as concluded in the saying ‘Familiarly breeds contempt’, this is not always a healthy construct. This may also lead to negative symptoms such as anxiety, negative behaviour, as well as family and generational manifestations (Gladding, 2005). Acceptance may be the most important aspect of any social relationship including that of being accepted within the family unit (Baumeister et al, 2008). In family systems terms, families which display a minimal chance of anxiety, social exclusion and rejection, are less likely to seek treatment in the Family Systems therapy setting (Schweitzer, Zwack, Nicolai, Weber, & Hirschenberger, 2007). Overall, a relationship which encompasses love, acceptance and the reciprocity of these interpersonal relations, is important are important aspects of both family systems theory and the discipline of social psychology. In conclusion, Family Systems Theory was conceptualized in order to explain an individual’s maladaptive behaviour through the terms of their family interactions. Despite numerous disadvantages, Family Systems Theory is still largely supported and found in practices at present. Research has shown that incorporating family systems into therapeutic practice is an important element which can enhance the recovery of the client. There are a number of ways in which Family Systems Theory can be connected to social psychology. Through the understanding of each of these items and integrating this knowledge into practice, Family Systems Theory may aid in the utility of this distinguished social interactions theory. References Barlow, D. H., & Durand, V. M. (2006). Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, 4th Edition. Wadsworth/ Thompson Learning, U.S.A, 256-279. Baumeister, R. F., & Bushman, B. J. (2008). Social Psychology & Human Nature. Thomson Learning Inc, Belmont USA, 224-249. Bump, J. (1991). D. H. Lawrence and family systems theory. Renascence, 44 (1), 61- 80. Carr, A. (2006). Family Therapy: Concepts, Process and Practice, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, United Kingdom, 3-580. Corey, G. (2001). Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 6th Edition. Brooks/Cole Publishing, Stamford, 384-451. Gladding, S. T. (2005). Counselling Theories: Essential Concepts and Applications. New Jersey Columbus, Ohio, Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 181-195. Knudson-Martin, C. (2002). Expanding Bowen’s legacy to family therapy: A response to Horne and Kicks. Journal of Marital & Family Therapy, 28 (1), 115-118. Larson, J. H. (1995). The use of family systems theory to explain and treat career decision problems in late adolescence: A review [electronic version]. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 23 (4), 328-337. Prest, L.A., Protinsky, H. (1993). Family systems theory: A unifying framework for the codependence. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 21 (4), 352-360. Rosenblatt, P. C. (1994). Metaphors of Family Systems Theory: Toward New Constructions. Guilford Press, New York, 1-175. Rothbaum, F., Rosen, K., Ujiie, T., & Uchida, N. (2002). Family systems theory, attachment theory, and culture. Family Process, 41 (3), 328-350. Shapiro, J. P., Welker, C. J., & Jacobson, B. J. (1997). A naturalistic study of psychotherapeutic methods and client in-therapy functioning in a child community setting [electronic version]. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26 (4), 385-396. Schweitzer, J., Zwack, J., Nicolai, E., Weber, G., & Hirschenberger, N. (2007). Family systems psychiatry: Principles, good practice guidelines, clinical examples, and challenges. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77 (3), 377-385. Volling, B. L., McElwain, N. L., Notaro, P. C., & Herrera, C. (2002). Parents’ emotional availability and infant emotional competence: Predictors of parent-infant attachment and emerging self-regulation. Journal of Family Psychology, 16 (4), 447-465.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Family Systems Theory - An Overview
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Plan of Attack for Blog 2
Hi all, After much reading for my second blog, I have finally planned how I will be approaching my topic which I have posted below. It is just a rough outline at the moment encompassing what I currently think the essay should entail. As I begin writing it, I may find that it flows better by placing items in a different order, and as I further research the topic I am sure I will find a few more things which should be included, which I will add and update you all on my progress. If anyone else can think of anything else I should include please just let me know!
What is Family Systems Theory?
-Who devised this theory?
-What this theory based upon?
-Why is this theory considered effective in providing an overview of family connections?
Research supporting the effectiveness of Family Systems Theory
-What research has been conducted regarding family systems theory?
-Is family systems theory still supported today? Why?
Connections between Family Systems Theory and Social Psychology
-Social networking
-Familiarity / Similarity
-Interpersonal relations
-Need to belong -Reciprocity
-Availability of family members
-Minimal chance of social exclusion and rejection = Acceptance
*Including research on the connection of each one
Appendix A
Friday, September 7, 2007
Blog 2 Topic
Monday, September 3, 2007
Variables Depicting Aboriginal Stereotypes in Australia