Sunday, September 2, 2007

Blog 1 - We're on the Downhill Run!

After much deliberation I have decided to do my first assessment item for this unit on Stereotypes in the Aboriginal Community. Indigenous Australians inhabited the country of Australia well before the arrival and settlement of white man. There are many stereotypes surrounding aspects of the lives and intelligence of Aboriginal and other indiginous habitants, however the one I am going to focus on surrounds the assumption that indigenous Australians possess lower levels of intelligence then non-indiginous Ausralians. I have based my essay around the Cognitive Theory of Stereotyping and discuss the formation and maitainance of this misconception. I've just about finished so I will post my essay up here shortly along with my references and concept map if anyone would like to have a quick squiz at any stage. I hope everyone is going well with their Blog 1 and is loking after themselves during our time away from Campus!

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